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Senator Hassan Visits Granite State Independent Living, Discusses Harmful Impact Trumpcare Would Have on Individuals with Disabilities and Older Americans

GSIL Visit

Senator Hassan speaking at Granite State Independent Living.

CONCORD – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan visited Granite State Independent Living, a non-profit that provides a range of assisted-living services for Granite Staters, where she discussed the harmful impact that the Republican health care legislation, known as Trumpcare, would have on individuals with disabilities and older Americans.

“Organizations like Granite State Independent Living provide critical services that help individuals with disabilities and older Americans live full, independent lives in their communities,” Senator Hassan said. “Unfortunately, the Republican health care legislation includes devastating cuts to Medicaid that would threaten important services like those provided by Granite State Independent Living for our most vulnerable people. I encourage Granite Staters across New Hampshire to continue speaking out against this dangerous proposal and sharing how it would hurt them and their families.”

At Granite State Independent Living, Senator Hassan highlighted how the Republican health care legislation would make reckless cuts to Medicaid that would force states to choose between slashing benefits, reducing the number of people who can get care, or both – jeopardizing the ability of individuals with disabilities and older Americans to live independently in their communities. The Senator also heard personal stories from individuals who would be directly hurt by the Republican proposal. In addition to deep cuts to the traditional Medicaid program, Trumpcare ends Medicaid expansion, which experts have said is the number one tool we have to combat the heroin, opioid, and fentanyl crisis.
