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Senator Maggie Hassan Statement on the Resignation of U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire Emily Gray Rice

Senator Maggie Hassan Statement on the Resignation of U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire Emily Gray Rice

CONCORD - Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement on the resignation of U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire Emily Gray Rice, who was among the 46 U.S. Attorneys asked to resign last week by the Trump Administration:

"Emily Gray Rice has served the people of New Hampshire with distinction, and I want to thank her for her dedication to the pursuit of justice and keeping our communities safe. Through her work in New Hampshire Attorney General's office, as co-chair of my Judicial Selection Commission when I was Governor, and as the U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire, Emily has never wavered in her commitment to ensuring that all Granite Staters can live freely and equally under the law. I wish Emily all the best in her future endeavors."
