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Senator Maggie Hassan’s Statement on President Trump’s Anti-American Immigration Ban

Senator Maggie Hassan's Statement on President Trump's Anti-American Immigration Ban

WASHINGTON - Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement on President Trump's anti-American immigration ban:

"President Trump's executive action imposing a religious test on entry into the United States runs counter to the fundamental values that make America the greatest country on earth. It will also make us less safe. We must always be working to strengthen the vetting process for all entryways into the United States, but discriminating against individuals on the basis of their religion will only harm our national security interests.

"It is also disgraceful that these executive actions would turn away the brave men and women who have risked their lives to serve as interpreters for our military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is both our moral obligation and a national security imperative to assist those who have helped us, and I will support efforts by Senators Shaheen and McCain to authorize visas for these interpreters."
