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Senators Hassan, Shaheen Join Colleagues in Forcing a Vote on Net Neutrality

18509_NetNeutralityPresser Shaheen NN

Senators Hassan and Shaheen join their colleagues at a press conference on net neutrality. 

WASHINGTON – Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen today joined their colleagues in forcing a vote to pass a measure in the Senate to reinstate net neutrality protections. The Senators joined their Democratic colleagues at a press conference today announcing that they are officially filing a discharge petition for a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval, setting up a vote on the Senate floor. For video from the press conference, click here.

With support from all 49 Democratic Senators and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), only one more vote is needed to pass the resolution.

“Access to a free and open internet is critical to promoting innovation, supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses across New Hampshire, and encouraging economic growth,” Senator Hassan said. “Repealing net neutrality protections threatens hard-working Granite Staters and Americans and hurts our economy, which is why today I am joining my colleagues in forcing a vote to reinstate net neutrality. We need just one more vote to pass this resolution, so I am urging my Republican colleagues to join us in approving this resolution and supporting an even playing field for our people and businesses.”

“Small businesses are the backbone of New Hampshire’s economy, and net neutrality protections have ensured they have a level playing field, making it easier to find new customers and grow online,” said Senator Shaheen. “Repealing these protections threatens their ability to do business, and many local business owners have told me they’re fearful of what the future holds for them without these protections – if they’ll be able to compete, to expand and create new jobs. So the FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality protections hurts New Hampshire’s economy, and every community across our state. I’m proud to support this effort and I’ll keep fighting to restore net neutrality protections.”

As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Senator Hassan has helped lead efforts to hold Chairman Ajit Pai accountable and to protect net neutrality. Senator Hassan has been a staunch opponent of the FCC’s vote to repeal net neutrality protections and joined her colleagues in February to introduce a bipartisan resolution to reinstate net neutrality.

Just last week, Senator Shaheen held a Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee field hearing with New Hampshire small business owners about the effects of repealing net neutrality protections on Granite State small businesses. As a current member of the committee and a former small business owner, Shaheen understands the importance of putting small businesses first.

Senators Shaheen and Hassan have repeatedly expressed concern that repealing net neutrality rules would end equal access to an open and free internet, resulting in higher prices, lower speeds and other barriers to growth for small businesses in New Hampshire and across the country.

