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Senators Shaheen, Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Reinstate Net Neutrality


Senator Shaheen speaks on the importance of net neutrality. 


Senator Hassan speaks at a rally to protect net neutrality. 

Only one more Republican Senator needed to overturn FCC decision and pass resolution in the Senate

WASHINGTON – On the Net Neutrality National Day of Action, Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan today joined colleagues in the Senate and House in introducing a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) partisan decision to repeal net neutrality protections.

The FCC’s Open Internet Order prohibited internet service providers from blocking, slowing down, or discriminating against content online. Repealing these net neutrality rules could lead to higher prices for consumers, slower internet traffic, and even blocked websites. A recent poll showed that 83 percent of Americans do not approve of the FCC’s action to repeal net neutrality rules.

“Net neutrality is fundamental to a free and open internet,” said Senator Shaheen. “By ending net neutrality, the Trump administration is rigging the internet against rural communities and small businesses in New Hampshire and across the country, where most people don’t have the luxury of picking a different broadband provider. We need a level playing field for all small businesses – and this means preserving the protections of net neutrality.”

“Consumers, entrepreneurs, and innovative small businesses rely on the principle that all content on the internet will be treated equally, and net neutrality helps ensure that even the smallest voices and businesses can be heard and thrive,” Senator Hassan said. “As part of today’s Net Neutrality National Day of Action, we are making clear that we will not stop fighting for net neutrality and that we will keep working to secure the one last vote we need in the Senate to pass our bipartisan effort to overturn the FCC’s dangerous decision so that our people, businesses, and economy can continue to thrive.”

The Senators also participated in a press conference today with fellow members of the Senate and House, as well as a variety of advocacy groups to highlight the importance of net neutrality to consumers, entrepreneurs, and the economy in New Hampshire. The resolutions in the Senate and House would fully restore the 2015 Open Internet Order. The Senate CRA resolution of disapproval stands at 50 supporters, including Republican Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine.). Rep. Doyle’s resolution in the House of Representatives currently has 150 co-sponsors.
