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Shaheen, Hassan Join Group of Senators in Call for Direct Cash Assistance to Help Americans Weather Economic Fallout of Coronavirus Outbreak

Senators Propose Bold Plan to Lift Up Families Hurt by Crisis

(Washington, DC) – As the economic fallout of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak escalates, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) sent a letter today with a group of Senators led by Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer outlining a bold new proposal to provide Americans with direct cash payments.


“Over the course of just one week, most of America went from business-as-usual to a virtual shutdown. Workers have seen their hours cut or eliminated entirely, and millions of American families are assessing how they will weather a potentially long-lasting economic paralysis,” wrote the Senators in the letter. “We must provide direct cash support to the American workers and families who need it most – to help them purchase essentials; pay the rent, mortgage, and bills; and otherwise weather the coming weeks and months.”


In the letter, the Senators outline a proposal to quickly provide $2,000 in support to every adult, child (or non-child dependent), and recipient of Social Security, Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The proposal calls for additional cash payments should the public health crisis extend, or if the unemployment rate increases. The payments would phase-out for higher-income taxpayers.


This new proposal would build on efforts to provide comprehensive economic relief to Americans and businesses during this unprecedented public health and economic crisis.


The text of the letter is available here.


Yesterday, Shaheen and Hassan sent a letter with the New Hampshire congressional delegation calling on the Small Business Administration to immediately approve New Hampshire’s emergency declaration so emergency resources are available to Granite State businesses financially impacted by the spread of the coronavirus.


Senators Shaheen and Hassan have been sounding the alarm on the need for additional federal funding to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Following calls from Shaheen, Hassan and others in Congress, on Friday President Trump declared a national emergency in response to the spread of the coronavirus. Shaheen and Hassan have called for the Senate to swiftly pass the bipartisan economic coronavirus response legislation that passed the House last Friday. Both Senators supported bipartisan government funding legislation to help states’ response efforts, which was recently signed into law. The CDC recently disbursed the $4.9 million funds for New Hampshire included in that funding package. Last night, Shaheen shared a video message with Granite Staters in response to the spread of the coronavirus, which can be viewed in full here
