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With Open Enrollment Beginning Today, Senator Hassan Urges Granite Staters to Shop for Health Insurance Options

Open Enrollment for Affordable Care Act Marketplace Plans Begins Today and Goes Through December 15th

WASHINGTON – Open enrollment for health insurance plans offered under the Affordable Care Act marketplace begins today, and Granite Staters have until December 15th to sign up for a marketplace plan or change their current plan by visiting

“Every citizen deserves quality, affordable health insurance coverage to help them live healthy and productive lives,” said Senator Hassan. “I encourage Granite Staters to take advantage of this open enrollment opportunity and receive the benefits that come with affordable health care—and make sure your friends and neighbors are signed up too.”

To enroll and learn more about health care options, visit Prices and options may have changed, so individuals who already have insurance through the health insurance marketplace are also encouraged to revisit In addition, individuals may qualify for financial assistance for paying premiums.

Senator Hassan has been a staunch advocate in the Senate for affordable, quality health care and protecting Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions from being discriminated against.  Earlier this year, Senator Hassan joined with Senator Shaheen to introduce legislation to restore funding for programs that help American families get the information and support they need to find quality health care plans at a price they can afford. Senator Hassan has also fought back against the Administration’s attempts to undermine the Affordable Care Act and push “junk” insurance plans that weaken pre-existing condition protections.

