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With Special Enrollment Period Beginning Today, Senator Hassan Urges Granite Staters to Sign Up for Health Care

Special Open Enrollment Period for Affordable Care Act Marketplace Plans Begins Today and Goes Through May 15

WASHINGTON – A special enrollment period for health insurance plans offered under the Affordable Care Act marketplace begins today following the Biden administration’s decision last month to re-open the marketplace. Senator Hassan had long called for this special enrollment period given the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Granite Staters have from February 15 to May 15 to sign up for a marketplace plan or change their current plan by visiting


“The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored how important it is that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health insurance,” Senator Hassan said. “Many Granite Staters have faced new physical and mental health challenges amid the pandemic. Now that the Affordable Care Act marketplace is again open, I encourage everyone to go online and shop for the health care plan that works for them.”

